2:24:00 AM|||Deanna|||
You know those songs that play when the Mariners come up to bat? Ever wonder what they are? Funny, so do I.

This is a work in progress. I will add to it as I figure out songs and as the roster changes, heh. Feel free to chip in with suggestions/corrections. I'm also trying to figure out a way to format this nicely... blogger does weird stuff with my HTML that I still need to work out.

(thanks go to Josh Buergel and Ficus Kirkpatrick for identifying some songs)

(thanks also go to the Mariners fan staff who have sent me some of their info)

(yes, I've seen ESPN's Page 3 from last year with the songs, but as you can guess, the roster has changed drastically as have the at-bat songs)

Players who currently pitch for the Mariners:

Players who currently hit for the Mariners:
Other People Who Hit At Some Point For The 2005 Mariners

Music for Mariners to Walk to First Base to

Other Music Featured at Safeco Field

Last updated: September 12, 2005
|||112288864087273624|||2005 Mariners At-Bat Music