Seattle Baseball Book Club

Hi. Welcome to the Seattle Baseball Book Club, a fledgling little group starting up in the Seattle area which aims to get baseball fans and bookworms together to read and discuss baseball-related books.

In general, meetings will be before or after the first Saturday Mariners home game of the month. We'll be trying to decide/announce books two months in advance, so there's time for the bookstore to order copies if necessary and for people to acquire the books and read them. We meet and talk about the book for about an hour, and then possibly continue the discussion over at Safeco Field during the Mariners game. I suggest showing up a little early if you want to shop for books or look around the store a bit.

  1. Meeting Schedule
  2. Location
  3. Contact Info

Upcoming meetings:

None -- book club is on indefinite hiatus for the winter. Sorry! We'll probably have our next meeting when local author Derek Zumsteg's book comes out.

Past Meetings

Saturday, October 7th, 2pm - Book: Rob Neyer's Big Book of Baseball Blunders: A Complete Guide to the Worst Decisions and Stupidest Moments in Baseball History, by Rob Neyer

Saturday, September 9th, 4pm - Book: The Ticket Out: Darryl Strawberry and the Boys of Crenshaw, by Michael Sokolove

Saturday, August 5th, 5pm - Book: Fantasyland, by Sam Walker

Saturday, July 8th, 5pm - Book: Paths To Glory by Mark Armour and Daniel Levitt

Saturday, June 3rd, 5pm - Book: The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty by Buster Olney

Saturday May 6th, 4pm - Book: Baseball Between the Numbers by Baseball Prospectus writers, edited by Jonah Keri - blog recap

Saturday April 8th, 4pm - Out of Left Field by Art Thiel - blog recap


The Elliott Bay Book Company downstairs cafe, near the back. We'll either have a sign denoting the group, or the book of the month out on the table as a marker.

The bookstore is about a ten minute walk from the stadium, so you could probably park anywhere in the area and be able to walk to the store or to Safeco.

Contact Information

Right now, the book club is being pushed mostly by myself, Deanna Rubin, dr4b at hotmail dot com. Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have about it, or post comments to the book club thread on Seattle Marinerds.