Toshihisa Nishi, Takuro Ishii, and Shingo Nonaka take fielding practice at second. |
 Kazuhiro Hatakeyama |
 Noriyuki Shiroishi |
 Kyohei Muranaka, the lefty who pitched 8.1 no-hit innings against the Giants the other day only to lose 5-0 in the 9th. |
 Kyohei Muranaka |
 Kyohei Muranaka |
 Kyohei Muranaka |
 Shinya Miyamoto goes FLYING! |
 Yuichi Matsumoto |
 Yuichi Matsumoto |
 Shingo Kawabata loves fielding practice! |
 Shinichi Takeuchi. |
 Adam Riggs reminds me of Richie Sexson. |
 Yuuki Yoshimura plays catch in the outfield. |
 Yokohama starter Mike Wood. |
 Mike Wood. |
 Shinya "Captain Japan" Miyamoto. |
 Yakult starter Danny Rios. |
 Yuichi gets ready to tag Takuro Isihi upside the head or something. |
 Takuro Ishii says, "All dirt and no runs makes Jack a dull boy." |
 Keizo Kawashima. |
 Shuichi Murata hits a biiiiig pop fly out. |
 Uchikawa scores the first Baystars run! |
 Yasushi Iihara dives back into first. |
 Hiroaki Ohnishi's weird kick batting stance. |
 Kazuki Fukuchi dives back into first. |
 Game heroes Takuro Ishii and Hayato Terahara answer questions. |
 Game heroes final pose! |